Issue 3, 2021

The construction of a single-crystalline SbSI nanorod array–WO3 heterostructure photoanode for high PEC performance


A novel kind of highly efficient photoanode was constructed with a SbSI/WO3 heterostructurefabricated through two hydrothermal reactions followed by an iodination reaction (WO3 → Sb2S3/WO3 → SbSI/WO3). After optimizing the solvent [carbon disulfide (CS2)] for SbI3, the SbSI(CS2)/WO3 photoanode shows high-density single-crystalline SbSI nanorods growing along the polar [001] direction on WO3 nanoplates, resulting in excellent photocurrent performance (∼2.1 mA cm−2@1.23 V vs. RHE) and an improved photostability. It is evidenced that the higher crystallinity of SbSI has a positive effect on the photostability of the constructed SbSI/WO3 photoanodes.

Graphical abstract: The construction of a single-crystalline SbSI nanorod array–WO3 heterostructure photoanode for high PEC performance

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Article information

Article type
11 Sep 2020
26 Nov 2020
First published
26 Nov 2020

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 335-338

The construction of a single-crystalline SbSI nanorod array–WO3 heterostructure photoanode for high PEC performance

G. Peng, H. Lu, Y. Liu and D. Fan, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 335 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC06148D

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