Issue 45, 2021

Superiority of a polymeric scavenger over its hexapodal monomer towards efficient ReO4 removal in water


A new imidazolium functionalized hexapodal polymeric receptor, [PHIm-Br], showed selective and efficient removal (>99%) of perrhenate (ReO4), from 100% aqueous medium via solid–liquid extraction, which was 13% higher as compared to its monomeric analouge [HIm-Br]. Most importantly, [PHIm-Br] overcomes the drawback of [HIm-Br] in terms of removal of ReO4 at lower anion concentration of ∼100 ppm along with excellent radiation resistivity and reusability within a wide pH range, which implies its potential towards practical applications.

Graphical abstract: Superiority of a polymeric scavenger over its hexapodal monomer towards efficient ReO4− removal in water

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Article information

Article type
09 Apr 2021
26 Apr 2021
First published
27 Apr 2021

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 5578-5581

Superiority of a polymeric scavenger over its hexapodal monomer towards efficient ReO4 removal in water

R. Ghosh, T. K. Ghosh and P. Ghosh, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 5578 DOI: 10.1039/D1CC01890F

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