Conformational control via sequence for a heteropeptoid in water: coupled NMR and Rosetta modelling†
We report a critical advance in the generation and characterization of peptoid hetero-oligomers. A library of sub-monomers with amine and carboxylate side-chains are combined in different sequences using microwave-assisted synthesis. Their sequence-structure propensity is confirmed by circular dichroism, and conformer subtypes are enumerated by NMR. Biasing the ψ-angle backbone to trans (180°) in Monte Carlo modelling favors i to i + 3 naphthyl–naphthyl stacking, and matches experimental ensemble distributions. Taken together, high-yield synthesis of heterooligomers and NMR with structure prediction enables rapid determination of sequences that induce secondary structural propensities for predictive design of hydrophilic peptidomimetic foldamers and their future libraries.