Issue 91, 2021

Methane activation on dual-atom catalysts supported on graphene


Dual-atom Fe catalysts supported by three nitrogen atom doped graphene (FeTM/GP, where TM = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) are explored for methane adsorption and activation. The addition of the second metal significantly tunes the properties of the catalysts. The main factor influencing methane adsorption is electron transfer. The second metal promotes methane adsorption by altering the electronic properties such as the band structure and charge transfer. A volcano-shaped relationship is found between the absolute value of adsorption energy and energy barrier at the heteroatom FeTM/GP. FeNi/GP has the lowest energy barrier. Heteroatom FeTM/GP has a lower energy barrier than FeFe/GP.

Graphical abstract: Methane activation on dual-atom catalysts supported on graphene

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Oct 2021
21 Oct 2021
First published
21 Oct 2021

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 12127-12130

Methane activation on dual-atom catalysts supported on graphene

C. Wu, W. Yang, J. J. Wang, H. Li and I. D. Gates, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 12127 DOI: 10.1039/D1CC05701D

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