Issue 100, 2021

Dicationic oligotelluroxane or mononuclear telluronium cation? Elucidation of the true catalytic species and activation mechanism of the benzylic carbon-halogen bond


The application of diaryltelluronium cations as chalcogen bonding organocatalysts was investigated for the Ritter-like reaction using time-course NMR analysis. The resistance to water of dicationic oligotelluroxanes differed depending on the oligomer chain length and counter anions. The activation mechanism of the substrate was discussed based on DFT calculations.

Graphical abstract: Dicationic oligotelluroxane or mononuclear telluronium cation? Elucidation of the true catalytic species and activation mechanism of the benzylic carbon-halogen bond

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Article information

Article type
09 Nov 2021
22 Nov 2021
First published
23 Nov 2021

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 13736-13739

Dicationic oligotelluroxane or mononuclear telluronium cation? Elucidation of the true catalytic species and activation mechanism of the benzylic carbon-halogen bond

K. Takagi, N. Sakakibara, S. Kikkawa and S. Tsuzuki, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 13736 DOI: 10.1039/D1CC06311A

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