Issue 14, 2021

A review of solvent freeze-out technology for protein crystallization


The demand for proteins with high purity, high activity and high stability is increasing, especially in the biopharmaceutical industry. Traditional industrial protein production technologies include chromatography, which is expensive, and salting out and traditional crystallization methods, which require large amounts of salt and have an adverse effect on the environment. In recent years, a new method—solvent freeze-out (SFO) technology for protein crystallization—has been developed. Compared with traditional methods, SFO requires less salt, and can be carried out at low temperatures, resulting in more stable and active proteins. In addition, SFO can control the nucleation and crystal growth process under different supersaturation levels by setting appropriate operating temperatures, which can ensure industrial application of this technology. This paper reviews important advances in SFO technology for the crystallization of proteins.

Graphical abstract: A review of solvent freeze-out technology for protein crystallization

Article information

Article type
02 Jan 2021
25 Feb 2021
First published
26 Feb 2021

CrystEngComm, 2021,23, 2723-2732

A review of solvent freeze-out technology for protein crystallization

H. Ming, M. Zhu, L. Li, Q. Liu, W. Yu, Z. Wu and Y. Liu, CrystEngComm, 2021, 23, 2723 DOI: 10.1039/D1CE00005E

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