Issue 7, 2021

A new 2D auxetic CN2 nanostructure with high energy density and mechanical strength


The existence of a new two dimensional CN2 structure was predicted using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) and density-functional theory calculations. It consists of tetragonal and hexagonal rings with C–N and N–N bonds arranged in a buckling plane, isostructural to the tetrahex-carbon allotrope. It is thermodynamically and kinetically stable suggested by its phonon spectrum and AIMD. This nanosheet has a high concentration of N and contains N–N single bonds with an energy density of 6.3 kJ g−1, indicating its potential applications as a high energy density material. It possesses exotic mechanical properties with a negative Poisson's ratio and an anisotropic Young's modulus. The modulus in the zigzag direction is predicted to be 340 N m−1, stiffer than those of h-BN and penta-CN2 sheets and comparable to that of graphene. Its ideal strength of 28.8 N m−1 outperforms that of penta-graphene. The material maintains phonon stability upon the application of uniaxial strain up to 10% (13%) in the zigzag (armchair) direction or biaxial strain up to 5%. It possesses a wide indirect HSE band gap of 4.57 eV, which is tunable between 3.37–4.57 eV through strain. Double-layered structures are also explored. Such unique properties may facilitate its potential applications as a high energy density material and in nanomechanics and electronics.

Graphical abstract: A new 2D auxetic CN2 nanostructure with high energy density and mechanical strength

Article information

Article type
16 Dec 2020
27 Jan 2021
First published
27 Jan 2021

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021,23, 4353-4364

A new 2D auxetic CN2 nanostructure with high energy density and mechanical strength

Q. Wei, Y. Yang, A. Gavrilov and X. Peng, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 4353 DOI: 10.1039/D0CP06509A

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