Issue 29, 2021

Bicolour fluorescent molecular sensors for cations: design and experimental validation


Molecular entities whose fluorescence spectra are different when they bind metal cations are termed bicolour fluorescent molecular sensors. The basic design criteria of this kind of compound are presented and the different fluorescent responses are discussed in terms of their chemical behaviour and electronic features. These latter elements include intramolecular charge transfer (ICT), formation of intramolecular and intermolecular excimer/exciplex complexes and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). Changes in the electronic properties of the fluorophore based on the decoupling between its constitutive units upon metal binding are also discussed. The possibility of generating fluorescent bicolour indicators that can capture metal cations in the gas phase and at solid–gas interfaces is also discussed.

Graphical abstract: Bicolour fluorescent molecular sensors for cations: design and experimental validation

Article information

Article type
17 Mar 2021
17 Jun 2021
First published
02 Jul 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021,23, 15440-15457

Bicolour fluorescent molecular sensors for cations: design and experimental validation

Z. Freixa, I. Rivilla, F. Monrabal, J. J. Gómez-Cadenas and F. P. Cossío, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 15440 DOI: 10.1039/D1CP01203G

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