Issue 47, 2021

Comparative reactivity of medicinal gold(i) compounds with the cyclic peptide vasopressin and its diselenide analogue


The reactions of the medicinal gold(I) compound auranofin and its close analogues with vasopressin and the diselenide analogue were comparatively investigated by LC-electrospray MS/MS. Evidence is gained of the possible cleavage of the S–S and Se–Se bridges induced by Au(I). Notably, we found that, in the absence of reducing agents, the sulfur and selenium atoms are metallated only at high temperature (70 °C) with the preferential binding of gold to selenium. The reaction with the S–S bridge can take place at physiological temperature (37 °C) under reducing conditions. The implications of these results are discussed in the general frame of the reactivity of biologically relevant soft Lewis acids with peptides and proteins.

Graphical abstract: Comparative reactivity of medicinal gold(i) compounds with the cyclic peptide vasopressin and its diselenide analogue

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Article information

Article type
14 Oct 2021
14 Nov 2021
First published
15 Nov 2021

Dalton Trans., 2021,50, 17487-17490

Comparative reactivity of medicinal gold(I) compounds with the cyclic peptide vasopressin and its diselenide analogue

J. Lamarche, E. Alcoceba Álvarez, E. Cordeau, C. Enjalbal, L. Massai, L. Messori, R. Lobinski and L. Ronga, Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 17487 DOI: 10.1039/D1DT03470G

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