Issue 20, 2021

The efficient conversion of H2S into mercaptan alcohols mediated in protic ionic liquids under mild conditions


The resource utilization of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an important and promising topic in energy chemical engineering. Previous products developed in our group through H2S conversion are sulfur or mercaptan acids. An alternative way to convert H2S is still desirable. Herein, we have developed a green and mild method to convert H2S into mercaptan alcohols by the addition reaction with epoxide mediated in tertiary amine-functionalized protic ionic liquids (PILs). Reaction kinetics, substrate scope, and regeneration experiments have all been explored. Almost quantitative conversion of substrates was realized with a catalytic loading of PILs at 30 °C. Water extraction was used to recycle the catalysts from the reaction system. It is believed that the excellent results, together with its operational simplicity and the ability to successively reuse the catalyst, make this new methodology environmentally benign and cost-effective. The generality of the H2S resource methodology gives it potential for application on an industrial scale.

Graphical abstract: The efficient conversion of H2S into mercaptan alcohols mediated in protic ionic liquids under mild conditions

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Article information

Article type
07 Aug 2021
20 Sep 2021
First published
21 Sep 2021

Green Chem., 2021,23, 7969-7975

The efficient conversion of H2S into mercaptan alcohols mediated in protic ionic liquids under mild conditions

W. Xiong, M. Shi, X. Zhang, Z. Tu, X. Hu and Y. Wu, Green Chem., 2021, 23, 7969 DOI: 10.1039/D1GC02829D

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