Issue 23, 2021

Iron(ii)-catalyzed intermolecular aziridination of alkenes employing hydroxylamine derivatives as clean nitrene sources


The iron-catalyzed intermolecular aziridination of alkenes with hydroxylamine derivatives is described. Using simple iron(II) sources and readily available ligands, the formal (2 + 1) cycloaddition process proved to be efficient on both styrenes and aliphatic alkenes, providing access to a wide range of aziridines. In these particularly sustainable reaction conditions, yields up to 89% could be obtained, with a catalyst loading which could be lowered to 5 mol% when the reaction was performed on large scale. Preliminary mechanistic studies suggest that both concerted and stepwise pathways are operating in this transformation.

Graphical abstract: Iron(ii)-catalyzed intermolecular aziridination of alkenes employing hydroxylamine derivatives as clean nitrene sources

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Article information

Article type
23 Sep 2021
29 Oct 2021
First published
01 Nov 2021

Green Chem., 2021,23, 9428-9432

Iron(II)-catalyzed intermolecular aziridination of alkenes employing hydroxylamine derivatives as clean nitrene sources

G. Kirby, L. Grimaud, M. R. Vitale, G. Prestat and F. Berhal, Green Chem., 2021, 23, 9428 DOI: 10.1039/D1GC03495B

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