Issue 1, 2021

Enhanced synthesis method of graphene oxide


The synthesis of high quality graphene oxide (GO) in large quantities is a matter of great importance for both research institutes and industries. In the present study, we report an improvement in the so-called “improved method” reported by Tour et al., which had already improved the very famous “Hummers method” to a certain extent. Through an important pre-treatment step, GO with larger sheets, better structural integrity, and a higher yield of monolayers was obtained. Furthermore, both the oxidation time and temperature were reduced without reducing the degree of high oxidation. Even though a low temperature is known to be a prerequisite for obtaining less defective GO in its reduced form (rGO), we found through this research that the pre-treatment step minimizes the negative effect of the moderate temperature (35 °C) needed to enhance the reaction rate, without altering the basal graphitic plane, which was also preserved at a low temperature (<10 °C). Both the mechanical and electrical properties confirm the enhancement of the GO quality obtained through improving the improved method, and make the rGO films produced attractive for practical applications.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced synthesis method of graphene oxide

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Article type
24 Aug 2020
07 Nov 2020
First published
09 Nov 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2021,3, 223-230

Enhanced synthesis method of graphene oxide

Z. Benzait, P. Chen and L. Trabzon, Nanoscale Adv., 2021, 3, 223 DOI: 10.1039/D0NA00706D

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