Issue 21, 2021

Rapid degradation behavior of encapsulated perovskite solar cells under light, bias voltage or heat fields


When the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) rapidly approaches that of commercial solar cells, the stability becomes the most important obstacle for the commercialization of PSCs. Aside from the widely studied slow PCE degradation, the PSCs also show a unique rapid PCE degradation. Although the degradation due to oxygen and humidity can be avoided by encapsulation, that due to bias voltage, light and heat could not be effective suppressed and will lead to considerable degradation. Usually, the rapid PCE degradation is believed to be from ion migration. However, a systematic investigation is yet to be carried out. This work quantitatively and systematically investigated the relationships between external fields (bias voltage, light or heat), ion migration and device performance. By comparing the performance of reference PSCs after 90 min degradation under these fields, we conclude that (1) the electric field affects the spatial distribution of mobile ions; (2) the light field changes the mobile ion densities and drives the ion migration; (3) the heat field results in perovskite decomposition as well as changing the mobile ion densities. In addition to the analysis of the reference device, we experimentally proved that the improved device stability upon introducing phenethylammonium iodide (PEAI) or poly-methyl methacrylate (PMMA) layers originates from the inhibition of mobile ion density and migration.

Graphical abstract: Rapid degradation behavior of encapsulated perovskite solar cells under light, bias voltage or heat fields

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Article information

Article type
28 Jun 2021
30 Aug 2021
First published
31 Aug 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2021,3, 6128-6137

Rapid degradation behavior of encapsulated perovskite solar cells under light, bias voltage or heat fields

X. Zhang, X. Chen, Y. Chen, N. A. Nadege Ouedraogo, J. Li, X. Bao, C. B. Han, Y. Shirai, Y. Zhang and H. Yan, Nanoscale Adv., 2021, 3, 6128 DOI: 10.1039/D1NA00495F

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