Issue 27, 2021

Blue-emitting single band ratiometric luminescent thermometry based on LaF3:Pr3+


In accordance with the growing popularity of luminescence thermometry in the single-band-ratiometric approach configuration, we developed the first blue-emitting case based on LaF3:Pr3+. By using excitations matched to ground- and excited-state absorption, strong thermally activated quenching and enhancement of the band associated with the 3P03H4 electronic transition were obtained, respectively. Due to the differences in the thermal dependences of the luminescence intensity signals for different Pr3+ concentrations being controlled by the thermally activated cross-relaxation depopulation process, independencies of the calibration curves for the Pr3+ content were obtained. Concentration-independent high relative sensitivities of the temperature reading, reaching even 5–6% K−1 with 0.5 K temperature determination uncertainty, confirm the high applicative potential of the developed blue-emitting Pr3+ ion-based luminescent thermometer.

Graphical abstract: Blue-emitting single band ratiometric luminescent thermometry based on LaF3:Pr3+

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Article information

Article type
16 Apr 2021
08 Jun 2021
First published
08 Jun 2021

New J. Chem., 2021,45, 11898-11904

Blue-emitting single band ratiometric luminescent thermometry based on LaF3:Pr3+

J. Stefanska, K. Maciejewska and L. Marciniak, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 11898 DOI: 10.1039/D1NJ01869H

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