Issue 37, 2021

Synthesis of ortho-arylated and alkenylated benzamides by palladium-catalyzed denitrogenative cross-coupling reactions of 1,2,3-benzotriazin-4(3H)-ones with organoboronic acids


An efficient palladium-catalyzed denitrogenative Suzuki–Miyaura type cross-coupling of 1,2,3-benzotriazin-4(3H)-ones with organoboronic acid is described. The reaction is compatible with various aryl and alkenyl boronic acids affording ortho-arylated and alkenylated benzamides in good to high yields. Heteroaromatic boronic acids were also successfully employed. Along with this, a coupling reaction was established by using phenyl boronate ester as the coupling partner. The reaction is believed to proceed via a five-membered aza-palladacyclic intermediate. DFT calculations were studied comparing the reactivity of palladium and nickel complexes in the five-membered aza-metallacycle formation from 1,2,3-benzotriazin-4(3H)-ones. The application of the reaction was successfully demonstrated by converting ortho-alkenylated products to ortho-alkylated products in high yields via a reduction reaction.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of ortho-arylated and alkenylated benzamides by palladium-catalyzed denitrogenative cross-coupling reactions of 1,2,3-benzotriazin-4(3H)-ones with organoboronic acids

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Article information

Article type
02 Aug 2021
12 Aug 2021
First published
12 Aug 2021

New J. Chem., 2021,45, 17190-17195

Synthesis of ortho-arylated and alkenylated benzamides by palladium-catalyzed denitrogenative cross-coupling reactions of 1,2,3-benzotriazin-4(3H)-ones with organoboronic acids

M. H. Balakrishnan, M. Kanagaraj, V. Sankar, M. K. Ravva and S. Mannathan, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 17190 DOI: 10.1039/D1NJ03706D

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