Issue 4, 2021

Size-focusing results in highly photoluminescent sulfur quantum dots with a stable emission wavelength


Sulfur quantum dots (SQDs) are a new kind of functional nanomaterial, but several challenges still exist in relation to their synthesis and application, such as low-yield and time-consuming synthetic methods, low photoluminescence quantum yields (PLQYs), and the non-selectivity of their detection mechanisms. Herein, we report the drastic enhancement of the fluorescence performance of water-soluble SQDs via the one-pot synthesis of size-focusing QDs using ultrasound microwave radiation. The synthetic period has been greatly shortened to 2 h via the present process. Notably, the proposed SQDs exhibit a highly stable emission wavelength with a record high PLQY of 58.6%. The mechanistic study indicates that size-focusing is a key factor relating to the proposed high-performance SQDs. As they also have robust stability, the proposed SQDs show a wide range of potential applications. Inspired by the characteristic properties of the SQDs and specific analytes, a simple SQD-based fluorescence sensing platform, via a redox-reaction-mediated mechanism, has been successfully developed for the rapid and selective detection of Ce(IV). In addition, this system has been effectively applied to some Ce(IV)-related biological assays, such as ascorbic acid (AA) analysis. This work is an important breakthrough in the SQD field, opening up avenues for solving the challenging problems relating to SQD-based probes, enriching the fundamental understanding of them, and greatly extending their applications, especially in biomedicine.

Graphical abstract: Size-focusing results in highly photoluminescent sulfur quantum dots with a stable emission wavelength

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Article information

Article type
10 Oct 2020
02 Jan 2021
First published
02 Jan 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 2519-2526

Size-focusing results in highly photoluminescent sulfur quantum dots with a stable emission wavelength

Y. Sheng, Z. Huang, Q. Zhong, H. Deng, M. Lai, Y. Yang, W. Chen, X. Xia and H. Peng, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 2519 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR07251F

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