Issue 27, 2021

A direct foaming approach for carbon nanotube aerogels with ultra-low thermal conductivity and high mechanical stability


Thermally insulating materials (TIMs) with ultra-low thermal conductivity, fire-retardancy, and mechanical stability are demanded to improve energy efficiency in many fields, such as petrochemical plants, energy-saving buildings, and aerospace. However, traditional polymer-based TIMs could not meet these demands. Herein, we propose a direct foaming strategy for obtaining carbon nanotube (CNT) aerogels by the gradual expansion of CNT films with H2O2 as a foaming agent at room temperature. The obtained CNT aerogels have hierarchical cellular structures and possess an ultra-low density (4.6 mg cm−3) and thermal conductivity (16.5 mW m−1 K−1) as well as excellent mechanical robustness and fire-resistance. Our results show that such CNT aerogels have promising applications in the field of thermal insulation and present a facile pathway for the design of thermally insulating, fire-retardant materials based on CNTs.

Graphical abstract: A direct foaming approach for carbon nanotube aerogels with ultra-low thermal conductivity and high mechanical stability

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
28 Apr 2021
10 Jun 2021
First published
10 Jun 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 11878-11886

A direct foaming approach for carbon nanotube aerogels with ultra-low thermal conductivity and high mechanical stability

Y. W. Chen, H. Zhan and J. N. Wang, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 11878 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR02690A

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