Issue 36, 2021

Unprecedented formation of sterically stabilized phospholipid liposomes of cuboidal morphology


Sterically stabilized phospholipid liposomes of unprecedented cuboid morphology are formed upon introduction in the bilayer membrane of original polymers, based on polyglycidol bearing a lipid-mimetic residue. Strong hydrogen bonding in the polyglycidol sublayers creates attractive forces, which, facilitated by fluidization of the membrane, bring about the flattening of the bilayers and the formation of cuboid vesicles.

Graphical abstract: Unprecedented formation of sterically stabilized phospholipid liposomes of cuboidal morphology

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Article information

Article type
05 May 2021
18 Aug 2021
First published
18 Aug 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 15210-15214

Unprecedented formation of sterically stabilized phospholipid liposomes of cuboidal morphology

P. Bakardzhiev, A. Forys, B. Trzebicka, T. Andreeva and S. Rangelov, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 15210 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR02856A

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