Issue 16, 2021

A divergent chiron approach for the first total synthesis of (+)-pseudonocardide A, (+)-pseudonocardide C and an epimer of ent-pseudonocardide D


A concise and divergent chiron approach for the first total synthesis of (+)-pseudonocardide A, (+)-pseudonocardide C and an epimer of ent-pseudonocardide D is reported starting from D-ribose. The salient features of this synthesis are a highly Z-selective Wittig olefination, one-pot formation of γ-butyrolactone and γ-butenolide through [1,4] O-to-O silyl migration followed by lactonization and an intramolecular oxa-Michael reaction.

Graphical abstract: A divergent chiron approach for the first total synthesis of (+)-pseudonocardide A, (+)-pseudonocardide C and an epimer of ent-pseudonocardide D

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Article information

Article type
08 Jan 2021
25 Mar 2021
First published
25 Mar 2021

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2021,19, 3698-3706

A divergent chiron approach for the first total synthesis of (+)-pseudonocardide A, (+)-pseudonocardide C and an epimer of ent-pseudonocardide D

K. Sharma, N. Surineni, S. Das and S. L. Gholap, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2021, 19, 3698 DOI: 10.1039/D1OB00042J

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