Issue 40, 2021

Tightly linked morpholino-nucleoside chimeras: new, compact cationic oligonucleotide analogues


The polyanionic phosphodiester backbone of nucleic acids contributes to high nuclease sensitivity and low cellular uptake and is therefore a major obstacle to the biological application of native oligonucleotides. Backbone modifications, particularly charge alterations is a proven strategy to provide artificial oligonucleotides with improved properties. Here, we describe the synthesis of a new type of oligonucleotide analogues consisting of a morpholino and a ribo- or deoxyribonucleoside in which the 5′-amino group of the nucleoside unit provides the nitrogen of the morpholine ring. The synthetic protocol is compatible with trityl and dimethoxytrityl protecting groups and azido functionality, and was extended to the synthesis of higher oligomers. The chimeras are positively charged in aqueous medium, due to the N-alkylated tertiary amine structure of the morpholino unit.

Graphical abstract: Tightly linked morpholino-nucleoside chimeras: new, compact cationic oligonucleotide analogues

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Article information

Article type
17 Jun 2021
23 Sep 2021
First published
23 Sep 2021

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2021,19, 8711-8721

Tightly linked morpholino-nucleoside chimeras: new, compact cationic oligonucleotide analogues

N. Debreczeni, M. Bege, M. Herczeg, I. Bereczki, G. Batta, P. Herczegh and A. Borbás, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2021, 19, 8711 DOI: 10.1039/D1OB01174J

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