Issue 23, 2021

The dark side of photocatalysis: near-infrared photoredox catalysis for organic synthesis


Photoredox catalysis is now considered as a major topic in the field of organic synthesis. Recently, important progress has been made in the development of new processes involving low-energy wavelengths: Near-Infrared (NIR) photoredox catalysis. Shifting from visible to NIR light brings many advantages including mild reaction conditions and deep penetration of light. These benefits will open novel perspectives in organic synthesis. This present review highlights the recent photocatalytic systems that are able to catalyze challenging organic transformations upon NIR activation.

Graphical abstract: The dark side of photocatalysis: near-infrared photoredox catalysis for organic synthesis

Article information

Article type
30 Sep 2021
28 Oct 2021
First published
28 Oct 2021

Org. Chem. Front., 2021,8, 6783-6790

The dark side of photocatalysis: near-infrared photoredox catalysis for organic synthesis

N. Sellet, M. Cormier and J. Goddard, Org. Chem. Front., 2021, 8, 6783 DOI: 10.1039/D1QO01476E

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