Issue 3, 2021, Issue in Progress

Perfluoroalkylated alternating copolymer possessing solubility in fluorous liquids and imaging capabilities under high energy radiation


A highly fluorinated alternating polymer, P(RFMi-St), possessing improved thermal properties and patterning capabilities over perfluoroalkyl polymethacrylates under high energy radiation was achieved with semi-perfluorododecyl maleimide (RFMi) and styrene (St). RFMi could be synthesised efficiently via a Mitsunobu reaction condition and copolymerised with St by free radical and reversible-deactivation radical polymerisation protocols. P(RFMi-St) showed a satisfactory glass-transition temperature (108 °C) and intermolecular cross-linking behaviour under electron-beam and commercially more important extreme UV (λ = 13.5 nm) irradiation. The exposed regions lost their solubility, resulting in the successful formation of mechanically non-deteriorated negative-tone images down to 50 nm. In addition, P(RFMi-St) could be solution-processed with chemically non-damaging fluorous liquids, which enabled the polymer to be applied effectively on top of an organic semiconductor layer as a dielectric material (dielectric constant 2.7) for the organic field-effect transistor fabrication.

Graphical abstract: Perfluoroalkylated alternating copolymer possessing solubility in fluorous liquids and imaging capabilities under high energy radiation

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Article type
07 Oct 2020
21 Dec 2020
First published
05 Jan 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 1517-1523

Perfluoroalkylated alternating copolymer possessing solubility in fluorous liquids and imaging capabilities under high energy radiation

H. Oh, S. Jung, K. Kim, Y. Moon, D. H. Jeong, Y. Ku, S. Lee, B. Park, J. Lee, C. Koh, T. Nishi, H. Kim and J. Lee, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 1517 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA08539A

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