Issue 43, 2021, Issue in Progress

Phosphorus speciation analysis of fatty-acid-based feedstocks and fast pyrolysis biocrudes via gel permeation chromatography inductively coupled plasma high-resolution mass spectrometry


Renewable feedstocks, such as lignocelulosic fast pyrolysis oils and both vegetable oil and animal fats, are becoming a viable alternative to petroleum for producing high-quality renewable transportation fuels. However, the presence of phosphorus-containing compounds, mainly from phospholipids, in these renewable feedstocks is known to poison and deactivate hydrotreating catalysts during fuel production. In this work, gel permeation chromatography (GPC) combined with inductively coupled plasma high-resolution mass spectrometry (ICP-HRMS) was used to analyze feedstocks including unprocessed soybean oil, animal fat, and pyrolysis oils from red oak and milorganite to identify phosphorus species. The results have shown the presence of a wide range of different phosphorous compounds among all the samples analysed in this work. The GPC-ICP-HRMS analyses of a vegetable oil and two animal fats have shown different fingerprints based on the molecular weight of each of the samples, highlighting the structural differences among their corresponding phosphorus-containing compounds. While the presence of low-molecular-weight species, such as phospholipids, was expected, several high-molecular-weight species (MW > 10 000 Da) have been found, suggesting that high-molecular-weight micelles or liposomes might have been formed due to the high concentration of phospholipids in these samples. Results obtained through the hydroxylation of a mix of phospholipids (asolectin) and its posterior GPC-ICP-HRMS agree with this hypothesis. With respect to the lignocellulosic catalytic fast pyrolysis oil samples, the GPC-ICP-HRMS results obtained suggest that either aggregation or polymerization reactions might have occurred during the pyrolysis process, yielding phosphorus-containing compounds with an approximate molecular weight above 91 000 kDa. In addition, an aggregation phenomenom has been observed for those phosphorus species present within the fast pyrolysis oils after being stored for 3 months, especially for those pyrolysis oils contaning pre-processed feedstocks, such as milorganite.

Graphical abstract: Phosphorus speciation analysis of fatty-acid-based feedstocks and fast pyrolysis biocrudes via gel permeation chromatography inductively coupled plasma high-resolution mass spectrometry

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Article information

Article type
04 May 2021
25 Jul 2021
First published
05 Aug 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 26732-26738

Phosphorus speciation analysis of fatty-acid-based feedstocks and fast pyrolysis biocrudes via gel permeation chromatography inductively coupled plasma high-resolution mass spectrometry

V. Garcia-Montoto, S. Verdier, D. C. Dayton, O. Mante, C. Arnaudguilhem, J. H. Christensen and B. Bouyssiere, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 26732 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA03470G

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