Issue 8, 2021

One-flow upscaling neutralization of an organophosphonate-derived pesticide/nerve agent simulant to value-added chemicals in a novel Teflon microreactor platform


Synthesizing value-added products from chemical warfare agents is a concept well beyond the usual notion of simply neutralizing the agents. We put into practice here such a concept in converting paraoxon, a nerve agent simulant, to paracetamol, an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). A portable and compact platform consisting of configurable modules based on robust Teflon plate microreactors (TPMs) is devised for neutralization of paraoxon as well as consecutive three-step synthesis of paracetamol in a one-flow manner. The numbered-up TPM platform enables kilogram-scale detoxification of paraoxon within a processing time of 1.5 min at a rate of 28 g h−1 (0.7 kg per day), while another platform in small but configurable system delivers the API in one flow under the pre-optimized conditions on the three-step chemistry established by a capillary reactor. The portability and robust nature of the platform make it suitable for transport and on-site use on a large scale at military installations as well as in chemical industries.

Graphical abstract: One-flow upscaling neutralization of an organophosphonate-derived pesticide/nerve agent simulant to value-added chemicals in a novel Teflon microreactor platform

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Article information

Article type
14 Apr 2021
12 May 2021
First published
06 Jun 2021

React. Chem. Eng., 2021,6, 1454-1461

One-flow upscaling neutralization of an organophosphonate-derived pesticide/nerve agent simulant to value-added chemicals in a novel Teflon microreactor platform

B. M. Sharma, S. Yim, A. Nikam, G. Ahn and D. Kim, React. Chem. Eng., 2021, 6, 1454 DOI: 10.1039/D1RE00147G

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