Issue 11, 2021

The electronic structure and deexcitation pathways of an isolated metalloporphyrin ion resolved by metal L-edge spectroscopy


The local electronic structure of the metal-active site and the deexcitation pathways of metalloporphyrins are crucial for numerous applications but difficult to access by commonly employed techniques. Here, we applied near-edge X-ray absorption mass spectrometry and quantum-mechanical restricted active space calculations to investigate the electronic structure of the metal-active site of the isolated cobalt(III) protoporphyrin IX cation (CoPPIX+) and its deexcitation pathways upon resonant absorption at the cobalt L-edge. The experiments were carried out in the gas phase, thus allowing for control over the chemical state and molecular environment of the metalloporphyrin. The obtained mass spectra reveal that resonant excitations of CoPPIX+ at the cobalt L3-edge lead predominantly to the formation of the intact radical dication and doubly charged fragments through losses of charged and neutral side chains from the macrocycle. The comparison between experiment and theory shows that CoPPIX+ is in a 3A2g triplet ground state and that competing excitations to metal-centred non-bonding and antibonding σ* molecular orbitals lead to distinct deexcitation pathways.

Graphical abstract: The electronic structure and deexcitation pathways of an isolated metalloporphyrin ion resolved by metal L-edge spectroscopy

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
01 Dec 2020
23 Jan 2021
First published
03 Feb 2021
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2021,12, 3966-3976

The electronic structure and deexcitation pathways of an isolated metalloporphyrin ion resolved by metal L-edge spectroscopy

K. Schubert, M. Guo, K. Atak, S. Dörner, C. Bülow, B. von Issendorff, S. Klumpp, J. T. Lau, P. S. Miedema, T. Schlathölter, S. Techert, M. Timm, X. Wang, V. Zamudio-Bayer, L. Schwob and S. Bari, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 3966 DOI: 10.1039/D0SC06591A

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