Issue 8, 2021

Comparative study of the copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cell with other solar technologies


Thin-film modules are emerging in the photovoltaic market, due to their competitive cost compared to the traditional crystalline silicon modules. The thin-film cells CuIn(1−x)GaxSe2 (Copper Indium Gallium Selenide – CIGS) are predominating the expansion in the photovoltaic market, due to the low temperature coefficient and the ability to absorb ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation. A comparative study between photovoltaic technologies is conducted. Initially, comparisons are made among different photovoltaic modules based on theoretical data. To corroborate it, simulations are performed, using PSpice, based on the model 1M5P. To study light propagation through solar cells, 2D simulations are conducted in a Finite Element Tool, leading to an analysis of absorption and power flow. Experimental tests are carried out to analyze cell performance in a real environment. Optical filters are used to validate simulations. Although the knowledge of technologies is different, the results show the CIGS performance is increasingly closer to that of silicon cells.

Graphical abstract: Comparative study of the copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cell with other solar technologies

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Article information

Article type
19 Nov 2020
07 Mar 2021
First published
09 Mar 2021

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 2273-2283

Comparative study of the copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cell with other solar technologies

I. C. B., R. A. Marques Lameirinhas, J. P. N. Torres and C. A. F. Fernandes, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021, 5, 2273 DOI: 10.1039/D0SE01717E

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