Active Brownian particles moving through disordered landscapes
Disordered media are ubiquitous in systems where self-propelled particles are present, ranging from biological settings to synthetic systems, like in active microfluidic devices. Here we investigate the behavior of active Brownian particles that have an internal energy depot and move through a landscape with a quenched frictional disorder. We consider the cases of very fast internal relaxation processes and the limit of strong disorder. Analytical calculations of the mean-square displacement in the fast-relaxation approximation is shown to agree well with numerically integrated energy depot dynamics and predict normal dispersion for a bounded drag coefficient and anomalous dispersion for power-law dependence of the drag on spatial coordinates. Furthermore, we show that in the strongly disordered limit the self-propulsion speed can, for practical purposes, be considered a fluctuating quantity. Distributions of self-propulsion speeds are investigated numerically for different parameter choices.