Tensile elasticity of a freely jointed chain with reversible hinges
Many biopolymers exhibit reversible conformational transitions within the chain, which affect their bending stiffness and their response to a stretching force. For example, double stranded DNA may have denatured “bubbles” of unzipped single strands which open and close randomly. In other polymers, the transitions may be due to the reversible attachment and detachment of ligands on ligand–receptor complexes along the backbone. Semiflexible bundles under tension formed by the reversible attachment of cross-linkers, on a coarse-grained level, exhibit similar behaviour. The simplest theoretical model which captures what the above mentioned systems have in common is a freely jointed chain (FJC) with reversible hinges. Each hinge can be open, as in the usual FJC, or closed forcing the adjacent segments to align (stretch). In this article, we analyse it in the Gibbs ensemble. Remarkably, even though the usual FJC in the thermodynamic limit exhibits ensemble equivalence, the reversible FJC exhibits ensemble inequivalence. Even though a mean field treatment suggests a continuous phase transition to a fully hinged state at a certain force, the generating function method (“necklace model”) shows that there is no phase transition. However, there is a crossover between the two states with clearly different responses. In the low force (linear response) regime, the reversible FJC has higher tensile compliance than its usual counterpart. In contrast, in the strong force regime, the tensile compliance of the reversible FJC is much lower than that of the usual FJC.