Construction of a quantitative relation between structural relaxation and dynamic heterogeneity by vibrational dynamics in glass-forming liquids and polymers†
The structural relaxation slows down drastically upon approaching the glass transition, accompanied by the significant growth of dynamic heterogeneity. The fundamental question of elusiveness and interest is whether there exists an underlying quantitative relationship between structural relaxation and dynamic heterogeneity. Here, we reveal that which is related to the reduced mean square displacements to overcome the energy barriers of activated jumps, instead of the kinetic fragility m, is the genuine key parameter connecting dynamic heterogeneity with structural relaxation for varying types of glass formers. Furthermore, based on the dependence of dynamic heterogeneity on the Debye–Waller factor we obtained a direct quantitative relation between dynamic heterogeneity and structural relaxation is built for different glass-forming liquids. More importantly, a scaling collapse of structural relaxation and dynamic heterogeneity is achieved by the important parameter
. These results are of fundamental and critical importance for developing a unified theory of glassy dynamics.