Evolution of anisotropic crack patterns in shrinking material layers
Anisotropic crack patterns emerging in desiccating layers of pastes on a substrate can be exploited for controlled cracking with potential applications in microelectronic manufacturing. We investigate such possibilities of crack patterning in the framework of a discrete element model focusing on the temporal and spatial evolution of anisotropic crack patterns as a thin material layer gradually shrinks. In the model a homogeneous material is considered with an inherent structural disorder where anisotropy is captured by the directional dependence of the local cohesive strength. We demonstrate that there exists a threshold anisotropy below which crack initiation and propagation is determined by the disordered micro-structure, giving rise to cellular crack patterns. When the strength of anisotropy is sufficiently high, cracking is found to evolve through three distinct phases of aligned cracking which slices the sample, secondary cracking in the perpendicular direction, and finally binary fragmentation following the formation of a connected crack network. The anisotropic crack pattern results in fragments with a shape anisotropy which gradually gets reduced as binary fragmentation proceeds. The statistics of fragment masses exhibits a high degree of robustness described by a log-normal functional form at all anisotropies.