Issue 24, 2021

Surface oxygen vacancies promoted Pt redispersion to single-atoms for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution


Isolating metal atoms on supports for catalysis has attracted great attention of researchers due to the unique catalytic properties. Here we show by utilizing the hydrogen spillover effect at high temperature (700 °C) that the in situ formed surface oxygen vacancies on TiO2 nanobelts can facilitate the redispersion of Pt nanoparticles to stable single-atoms. The isolated Pt atoms are firmly confined by the surface oxygen vacancy sites in the internal surface of TiO2. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations have further proved that Pt atom is likely to be confined to oxygen vacancies to form single-atom sites. The as-obtained catalyst exhibits excellent photocatalytic water splitting performance with a hydrogen evolution rate of 38.33 mmol mgPt−1 h−1 under simulated solar light irradiation, which is about 59.9 times higher than that of TiO2 nanobelts with Pt nanoparticles. This approach provides a facile method to prepare noble metal catalysts with both high atom economy and reaction activity.

Graphical abstract: Surface oxygen vacancies promoted Pt redispersion to single-atoms for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

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Article information

Article type
17 Feb 2021
06 May 2021
First published
07 May 2021

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021,9, 13890-13897

Surface oxygen vacancies promoted Pt redispersion to single-atoms for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

J. Cai, A. Cao, Z. Wang, S. Lu, Z. Jiang, X. Dong, X. Li and S. Zang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 13890 DOI: 10.1039/D1TA01400E

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