Decisive influence of amorphous PbI2−x on the photodegradation of halide perovskites†
Capturing the photolysis process of archetypal perovskite materials (such as methylammonium lead triiodide, MAPbI3) into metallic Pb0 is fundamentally important to understand the photodegradation pathway of organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites (OIHPs). In this study, the photodecomposition pathway of a MAPbI3 film in an atmospheric argon (Ar) gas environment was quasi-in situ studied comprehensively. Under light illumination, the decomposition of the perovskite film is first triggered at the grain boundaries, along with an obvious generation of metallic lead (Pb0) nanoparticles. Then, the degradation sites extend into the inner MAPbI3 grains. By calculating the growth kinetics of the Pb0 enriched nanoparticles, we can find that it strictly obeys an interfacial diffusion-controlled growth model. Atomic resolution high angle annular dark-field (HAADF) characterization confirms that the Pb0 enriched nanoparticles are with Pb@PbI2−x (x ≈ 0.4) core–shell structures, while the interface between crystalline MAPbI3 and amorphous PbI2−x controls the photodegradation pathway of perovskite films. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time to directly observe the photolysis process of perovskite films in a practical environment (Ar gas and light illumination), particularly with nano or even atomic-scale resolution. Furthermore, the discovery of the interfacial-controlled photodegradation pathway of MAPbI3 into amorphous PbI2−x and then into Pb@PbI2−x aggregates has never been elucidated before.