Issue 47, 2021

A tailored spacer molecule in 2D/3D heterojunction for ultralow-voltage-loss and stable perovskite solar cells


2D/3D heterojunction engineering has been regarded as a feasible method to improve the photovoltaic performance of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). A spacer molecule poses a huge influence on the structural and optoelectronic properties of 2D perovskites. A specific functional group embedded spacer molecule is highly expected to build an effective 2D capping layer for efficient, stable, and hysteresis-free PSCs. Here, a tailored spacer molecule, 4-hydroxy-phenylethylamine iodide (OH-PEAI), is developed for high-performance 2D/3D PSCs. A combined theoretical and experimental study suggests that OH-PEAI based 2D structure on the 3D surface significantly reduces defect density and mitigates nonradiative recombination. The target PSCs deliver an efficiency of 21.38% compared to 19.54% for the control device. A high open-circuit voltage (Voc) up to 1.234 V can be achieved with a Voc loss of only 0.376 V and the hysteresis can be totally eliminated. 2D/3D PSCs using a low-bandgap 3D perovskite can yield a high efficiency of 23.28%. The 2D layer also provides a robust interface that protects vulnerable 3D perovskite films from moisture attacks. As a result, the unencapsulated 2D/3D PSCs show excellent long-term stability retaining 93% of initial PCE in ambient air at 30% relative humidity for 480 h.

Graphical abstract: A tailored spacer molecule in 2D/3D heterojunction for ultralow-voltage-loss and stable perovskite solar cells

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Article information

Article type
19 Oct 2021
03 Nov 2021
First published
04 Nov 2021

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021,9, 26829-26838

A tailored spacer molecule in 2D/3D heterojunction for ultralow-voltage-loss and stable perovskite solar cells

W. Fan, Y. Shen, K. Deng, Q. Chen and Y. Bai, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 26829 DOI: 10.1039/D1TA08984F

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