Issue 6, 2021

Cell-free scaffolds functionalized with bionic cartilage acellular matrix microspheres to enhance the microfracture treatment of articular cartilage defects


Microfracture surgery remains the most popular treatment for articular cartilage lesions in the clinic, but often leads to the formation of inferior fibrocartilage tissue and damage to subchondral bone. To overcome these problems, extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds derived from decellularized natural cartilaginous tissues were introduced and showed excellent biological properties to direct the differentiation of bone marrow stem cells. However, besides the limited allogenic/allogenic supply and the risk of disease transfer from xenogeneic tissues, the effectiveness of ECM scaffolds always varied with a high variability of natural tissue quality. In this study, we developed composite scaffolds functionalized with a cell-derived ECM source, namely, bionic cartilage acellular matrix microspheres (BCAMMs), that support the chondrogenic differentiation of bone marrow cells released from microfracture. The scaffolds with BCAMMs at different developmental stages were investigated in articular cartilage regeneration and subchondral bone repair. Compared to microfracture, the addition of cell-free BCAMM scaffolds has demonstrated a great improvement of regenerated cartilage tissue quality in a rabbit model as characterized by a semi-quantitative analysis of cells, histology and biochemical assays as well as micro-CT images. Moreover, the variation in ECM properties was found to significantly affect the cartilage regeneration, highlighting the challenges of homogenous scaffolds in working with microfracture. Together, our results demonstrate that the biofunctionalized BCAMM scaffold with cell-derived ECM shows great potential to combine with microfracture for clinical translation to repair cartilage defects.

Graphical abstract: Cell-free scaffolds functionalized with bionic cartilage acellular matrix microspheres to enhance the microfracture treatment of articular cartilage defects

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Article information

Article type
05 Nov 2020
04 Jan 2021
First published
04 Jan 2021

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021,9, 1686-1697

Cell-free scaffolds functionalized with bionic cartilage acellular matrix microspheres to enhance the microfracture treatment of articular cartilage defects

J. Liu, Y. Lu, F. Xing, J. Liang, Q. Wang, Y. Fan and X. Zhang, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021, 9, 1686 DOI: 10.1039/D0TB02616F

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