Issue 26, 2021

A novel coating with universal adhesion and inflammation-responsive drug release functions to manipulate the osteoimmunomodulation of implants


The immune response elicited by the bone endoprosthesis is currently considered an important factor that affects its interfacial osteointegration. In this work, a metal-phenolic-based drug-loaded coating with universal adhesion properties and intelligent drug delivery feature was created to promote osteointegration by manipulating a beneficial osteoimmune microenvironment. A novel pro-drug with inflammation-responsive release function was firstly synthesized via the esterification reaction between tannic acid (TA) and indometacin (IND), and then the coating was developed by chelating it with Fe3+. In the normal biological environment, the coating was stable, while, in the inflammatory environment, the release of TA and IND motifs could be triggered by the overexpressed esterase. The released TA and IND displayed synergistic effects on macrophage polarization, leading to a downregulation expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and an upregulation expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines and osteogenic-related factors. When stimulated by a conditioned medium generated by macrophages seeded onto the coating, the osteogenic differentiation potential of BMSCs was significantly enhanced. Finally, the designed coating significantly promoted the osteointegration of the implant, demonstrated by the increase of the bone-implant contact by two times. Additionally, the coating was substrate-independent and can be formed within seconds without special equipment, thus, it showed great potential applications to endow advanced hard tissue implants with favorable osteoimmunomodulation.

Graphical abstract: A novel coating with universal adhesion and inflammation-responsive drug release functions to manipulate the osteoimmunomodulation of implants

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Article information

Article type
28 Apr 2021
02 Jun 2021
First published
04 Jun 2021

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021,9, 5272-5283

A novel coating with universal adhesion and inflammation-responsive drug release functions to manipulate the osteoimmunomodulation of implants

M. He, B. Yang, F. Huo, L. Xie, M. Yang and W. Tian, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021, 9, 5272 DOI: 10.1039/D1TB00953B

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