Issue 8, 2021

Three-in-one: information encryption, anti-counterfeiting and LD-tracking of multifunctional purine derivatives


It is still a challenge to develop new intelligent multifunctional fluorescence reagents with high brightness, high optical stability, and high contrast fluorescence based on small molecules. In this study, by building push–pull electronic structures and adjusting the number of carbazole groups and the length of the alkyl chain, a series of multifunctional molecules based on a purine-core has been successfully synthesized and achieved the improvement of the fluorescence quantum yield. Furthermore, the relationship between the structure and optical properties of these purine derivatives has been investigated from multiple perspectives. Moreover, the most promising molecule (CPPC) exhibits high fluorescence quantum yield, high brightness, high optical stability, and high contrast fluorescence, and it has been successfully applied in information encryption, anti-counterfeiting and LD-tracking of living cells. The present study offers a novel and efficient approach to develop multifunctional fluorescence materials with high performance based on purine.

Graphical abstract: Three-in-one: information encryption, anti-counterfeiting and LD-tracking of multifunctional purine derivatives

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
17 Nov 2020
18 Jan 2021
First published
19 Jan 2021

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021,9, 2864-2872

Three-in-one: information encryption, anti-counterfeiting and LD-tracking of multifunctional purine derivatives

H. Wang, K. Yu, C. Tan, K. Li, Y. Liu, L. Shi, K. Lu and X. Yu, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 2864 DOI: 10.1039/D0TC05221C

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