Issue 45, 2022

Silver nanoparticle-modified electrodes for the electrochemical detection of neonicotinoid pesticide: clothianidin


For the first time, stable silver nanoparticles with a diameter less than 20 nm were prepared using SDS as a reducing and stabilizing agent and characterized, and then used to construct modified electrodes. The developed electrodes are more catalytically active towards the reduction of clothianidin. Clothianidin undergoes reduction at −300 mV vs. Ag/AgCl on the silver nanoparticle-modified electrode, whereas no reduction peak was observed on a bare glassy carbon electrode (GCE). The detection limit was found to be 2.4 nM. The reduction potential and detection limits reported in this work are lower than ever reported in the literature. The analytical validity of clothianidin was tested using tomatoes. Validation of electrochemical results has been achieved by comparing them to HPLC results. There is a good agreement between the results and those obtained by HPLC. The proposed sensor opens up new possibilities for the sensing of clothianidin in environmental samples.

Graphical abstract: Silver nanoparticle-modified electrodes for the electrochemical detection of neonicotinoid pesticide: clothianidin

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Article information

Article type
22 Sep 2022
01 Nov 2022
First published
02 Nov 2022

Anal. Methods, 2022,14, 4643-4648

Silver nanoparticle-modified electrodes for the electrochemical detection of neonicotinoid pesticide: clothianidin

A. Kumaravel, Anal. Methods, 2022, 14, 4643 DOI: 10.1039/D2AY01541B

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