Issue 65, 2022

Improved relative temperature sensitivity of over 10% K−1 in fluoride nanocrystals via engineering the interfacial layer


Real-time in situ temperature sensing is of significance in the bio-medical field; however, the low relative temperature sensitivity Sr is one of the major obstacles in the development of nanothermometers. Herein, we provide an effective route that engineers the interfacial layer in a core/shell/shell nanostructure to enlarge the temperature-dependent luminescence intensity ratio (LIR) variations followed by an improved Sr. The CaF2 interlayer is employed to inhibit the interaction between the core and outer shell, and increase the interfacial phonon energy to enhance the negative thermal quenching effect (TQE) of Nd3+ ions in the outer shell and positive TQE of Er3+ ions in the core layer. Based on the temperature-dependent LIR variations of Er (650 nm) to Nd (800 nm), the maximum Sr of 10.01% K−1 and minimum Sr of % 2.56% K−1 are achieved.

Graphical abstract: Improved relative temperature sensitivity of over 10% K−1 in fluoride nanocrystals via engineering the interfacial layer

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Article information

Article type
05 May 2022
15 Jul 2022
First published
18 Jul 2022

Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 9076-9079

Improved relative temperature sensitivity of over 10% K−1 in fluoride nanocrystals via engineering the interfacial layer

E. Liu, L. Lei, R. Ye, D. Deng and S. Xu, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 9076 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC02548E

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