Issue 88, 2022

A2B6O9F2 (A = NH4, K): new members of A2B6O9F2 family with deep-UV cutoff edges and moderate birefringence


The fluorooxoborate A2B6O9F2 family (A = alkali metal) has attracted much attention because of its diverse structures and properties. Herein, two new members of this family, (NH4)2B6O9F2 and K2B6O9F2, have been synthesized which exhibit different two-dimensional [B6O9F2] layered structures. Millimeter-sized crystals of (NH4)2B6O9F2 have been grown with NH4F as the flux. The transmittance spectrum indicates that it has a wide UV transparency window with a cutoff edge lower than 180 nm. First-principles calculations show that both (NH4)2B6O9F2 and K2B6O9F2 have deep-UV cutoff edges and moderate birefringence. The contributions of the constituent structural groups to the optical properties are discussed.

Graphical abstract: A2B6O9F2 (A = NH4, K): new members of A2B6O9F2 family with deep-UV cutoff edges and moderate birefringence

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Article information

Article type
27 Jul 2022
10 Oct 2022
First published
11 Oct 2022

Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 12369-12372

A2B6O9F2 (A = NH4, K): new members of A2B6O9F2 family with deep-UV cutoff edges and moderate birefringence

Z. Chen, Z. Li, D. Chu, F. Zhang, X. Li, Z. Yang, X. Long and S. Pan, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 12369 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC04193F

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