Issue 90, 2022

Manipulating the inorganic motif by kinetic control of antimony halide organic–inorganic hybrid materials for larger Stokes shift and significantly enhanced quantum efficiency


Adjusting the structure of the inorganic components has been proved to be an efficient method for the performance optimization of organic–inorganic hybrid materials. One particular organic ligand can typically form numerous hybrid structures with one inorganic source; however, in most cases, only one thermodynamically stable phase can be obtained, which may not be the one with the best properties. Here, we reported a novel method for modulating the optical properties of antimony halide based organic–inorganic hybrid materials by kinetic control of the synthesis. Under such an approach, the kinetically stable phase can be synthesized, which exhibits significantly improved quantum efficiency compared to the thermodynamically stable phase. This approach provides a new route for the development of high-performance organic–inorganic hybrid materials.

Graphical abstract: Manipulating the inorganic motif by kinetic control of antimony halide organic–inorganic hybrid materials for larger Stokes shift and significantly enhanced quantum efficiency

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Article information

Article type
06 Aug 2022
12 Oct 2022
First published
13 Oct 2022

Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 12596-12599

Manipulating the inorganic motif by kinetic control of antimony halide organic–inorganic hybrid materials for larger Stokes shift and significantly enhanced quantum efficiency

F. Lin, H. Tong, H. Lin and W. Liu, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 12596 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC04401C

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