Issue 10, 2022

Fascinating 3D energetic [Ag2(N5)2(EDA)]n: filling the ethylenediamine molecules into a [Ag(N5)]n framework


An interesting 3D energetic motif based on Ag(I) ion, cyclo-pentazolate anion (cyclo-N5) and ethylenediamine (EDA), namely, [Ag2(N5)2(EDA)]n, was prepared by embedding the ethylenediamine molecules into the [Ag(N5)]n structure. The architecture was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The onset decomposition temperature of [Ag2(N5)2(EDA)]n was 6.4 °C higher than that of [Ag(N5)]n and 14.6 °C higher than that of [Ag3(N5)4]n·n[Ag(NH3)2]. The detonation performance (D = 6.272 km s−1, P = 23.51 GPa) of [Ag2(N5)2(EDA)]n was between that of [Ag(N5)]n and [Ag3(N5)4]n·n[Ag(NH3)2]. The insertion of EDA molecules resulted in a significant reduction of the mechanical sensitivity compared with extremely sensitive [Ag(N5)]n. It is an effective way to improve the stability of pentazolate complexes using amino-containing small molecules with cyclo-N5 to form bi-ligand energetic metal–inorganic frameworks.

Graphical abstract: Fascinating 3D energetic [Ag2(N5)2(EDA)]n: filling the ethylenediamine molecules into a [Ag(N5)]n framework

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Article information

Article type
18 Jan 2022
29 Jan 2022
First published
31 Jan 2022

CrystEngComm, 2022,24, 1900-1906

Fascinating 3D energetic [Ag2(N5)2(EDA)]n: filling the ethylenediamine molecules into a [Ag(N5)]n framework

X. Zhang, T. Hou, Q. Lin, P. Wang, D. Li, Y. Xu and M. Lu, CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 1900 DOI: 10.1039/D2CE00086E

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