Issue 10, 2022

Dynamical component exchange in a model phase separating system: an NMR-based approach


Biomolecular phase separation plays a key role in the spatial organization of cellular activities. Dynamic formation and rapid component exchange between phase separated cellular bodies and their environment are crucial for their function. Here, we employ a well-established phase separating model system, namely, a triethylamine (TEA)–water mixture, and develop an NMR approach to detect the exchange of scaffolding TEA molecules between separate phases and determine the underlying exchange rate. We further demonstrate how the advantageous NMR properties of fluorine nuclei provide access to otherwise inaccessible exchange processes of a client molecule. The developed NMR-based approach allows quantitative monitoring of the effect of regulatory factors on component exchange and facilitates “exchange”-based screening and optimization of small molecules against druggable biomolecular targets located inside condensed phases.

Graphical abstract: Dynamical component exchange in a model phase separating system: an NMR-based approach

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Article type
04 Jan 2022
15 Feb 2022
First published
16 Feb 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 6169-6175

Dynamical component exchange in a model phase separating system: an NMR-based approach

C. F. Pantoja, M. Zweckstetter and N. Rezaei-Ghaleh, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 6169 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP00042C

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