Passive and active tracer dynamics in polymer solutions with isotropic-to-nematic phase transition
Macromolecular crowding plays a crucial role in determining the dynamics in a living cell. We adopt Langevin dynamics simulations to investigate the anomalous diffusion dynamics of passive and active particles in a solution of polymer chains with tunable stiffness. The solution's anisotropic feature is modulated by changing both the polymer stiffness and volume fraction, where isotropic-to-nematic phase transition is involved. Our results demonstrate the significant impact of polymer flexibility on the dynamics of both passive and active probes. The distinct diffusion mechanism for an active particle is clarified by the interplay between polymer stiffness, crowdedness and activity. Polymer stiffness leads to a global inhibition effect on passive particle diffusion. The diffusion coefficient exhibits an intriguing non-monotonic variation at increasing polymer stiffness, which is due to the fact that the alignment of polymer chains is beneficial for diffusion along the nematic direction but unfavorable for that in the direction perpendicular to it. In sharp contrast, polymer stiffness plays a dominant role in facilitating active particle diffusion. Self-propulsion of the particle can utilize stiffness-induced elastic interactions more efficiently, which promotes its mobility in both directions. Meanwhile, an active particle might have a stronger ability to take advantage of the polymer alignment, contributing substantially enhanced diffusivity. In addition, the diffusion coefficient of an active particle is subject to a tendency of degeneration against varying volume fraction. This counter-intuitive behavior is due to the contrasting factors that increasing crowdedness induces a lower particle speed but a longer persistent motion time.