Issue 39, 2022

Bi0.33(Bi6S9)Br compositing in Bi2S3 bulk materials forwards high thermoelectric properties


The hexagonal Bi0.33(Bi6S9)Br intermediate was incorporated to enhance the thermoelectric properties of Bi2S3 by a facile synthesis process. As a result of the increase of carrier concentration caused by Br diffusion doping and the enhancement of phonon scattering caused by pores, point defects, and secondary phase interfaces, a maximum ZT value of 0.64 was achieved at 773 K in Bi2S3 + 5% Bi0.33(Bi6S9)Br. This study provides a strategy for achieving Br doping in the Bi2S3 system by adding the Bi0.33(Bi6S9)Br intermediate alloy, while the nanostructure was maintained in the matrix, which may be also suitable for other thermoelectric materials to obtain higher performance.

Graphical abstract: Bi0.33(Bi6S9)Br compositing in Bi2S3 bulk materials forwards high thermoelectric properties

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Article information

Article type
21 Jun 2022
06 Sep 2022
First published
29 Sep 2022

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 24290-24295

Bi0.33(Bi6S9)Br compositing in Bi2S3 bulk materials forwards high thermoelectric properties

J. Guo, Z. Wang, L. Chen, Y. Zhu, Y. Zhou, Q. Shan, J. Feng and Z. Ge, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 24290 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP02805K

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