Issue 4, 2022

LaTiO2N nanopowders (NPs) with low surface defect density via nitridation of flame made NPs retaining simple perovskite structure


This work introduces a novel route to perovskite LaTiO2N nanopowders (NPs) via nitridation of perovskite LaTiO3 NPs in an NH3 gas flow at 1050 °C/NH3/15 h, in which a simple perovskite structure (ABX3) is retained during nitridation. The LaTiO3 NP is formed with a trace of a second phase in a precursor oxide NP (LTO-4/3) produced using liquid-feed flame spray pyrolysis (LF-FSP) of a metallo-organic ethanol solution with La/Ti = 4/3. The characterization of the resulting powders allows for a comparison with LaTiO2N NPs synthesized by the nitridation of the La2Ti2O7 precursor oxide NP (LTO-1) with a perovskite slab structure (A2B2X7) also prepared by LF-FSP of a La/Ti = 1 solution. Williamson–Hall plots suggest that the as-produced LaTiO2N from LTO-1 offers a quite small but effective crystallite size of 16–18 nm with almost no lattice spacing fluctuations, while LaTiO2N from LTO-4/3 presents a larger effective crystallite size of 50–52 nm with some lattice spacing fluctuations. UV-vis diffuse reflectance analysis reveals that, unlike LaTiO2N from LTO-1, the spectra of LaTiO2N from LTO-4/3 show a quite low absorption background above the wavelength of the optical absorption edge (∼580 nm), suggesting good crystallinity with a very low surface defect density. Both oxynitride NPs appear to offer utility as inorganic pigments with different colours, while LaTiO2N NPs from LTO-4/3 have advantages for various applications, including potential as a visible-light-driven water splitting photocatalyst.

Graphical abstract: LaTiO2N nanopowders (NPs) with low surface defect density via nitridation of flame made NPs retaining simple perovskite structure

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Article information

Article type
31 Oct 2021
02 Dec 2021
First published
06 Jan 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 1571-1579

LaTiO2N nanopowders (NPs) with low surface defect density via nitridation of flame made NPs retaining simple perovskite structure

Y. Abe and R. M. Laine, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 1571 DOI: 10.1039/D1DT03687D

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