Issue 24, 2022

Highly emissive polymorphs of anhydrous cadmium tetracyanoplatinate and their solvated coordination networks


Two anhydrous polymorphs of cadmium cyanoplatinate Cd[Pt(CN)4] coordination polymers have been synthesized and thermally, spectroscopically, and structurally characterized. α-Cd[Pt(CN)4] and β-Cd[Pt(CN)4] are densely packed, highly emissive 3-D solids, with quantum yields of 0.85 (λem = 520 nm) and 0.79 (λem = 448 nm) respectively. Their mutual hydrate, Cd(H2O)[Pt(CN)4]·2H2O, forms a complex 3-D coordination polymer with Cd–O–Cd bridges and Pt–Pt interactions. Additionally, exposure of solid α-Cd[Pt(CN)4] and β-Cd[Pt(CN)4] to several solvent vapours results in the formation of 2-D cyanometallate sheets of the adduct compounds CdL2[Pt(CN)4] (L = DMSO, DMF, and pyridine). Cd(pyridine)2[Pt(CN)4] shows a significantly lower quantum yield (0.32) in comparison to the parent Cd[Pt(CN)4] coordination polymers. Upon heating CdL2[Pt(CN)4] preferentially forms the kinetic product α-Cd[Pt(CN)4].

Graphical abstract: Highly emissive polymorphs of anhydrous cadmium tetracyanoplatinate and their solvated coordination networks

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Article information

Article type
25 Mar 2022
26 May 2022
First published
13 Jun 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 9531-9540

Highly emissive polymorphs of anhydrous cadmium tetracyanoplatinate and their solvated coordination networks

A. S. Sergeenko, D. Paripovic, C. Dab, P. Blanc, C. Reber and D. B. Leznoff, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 9531 DOI: 10.1039/D2DT00918H

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