Issue 27, 2022

Utilizing the energy transfer mechanism to realize color tunable luminescence


Bi3+/Eu3+ co-doped phosphors can realize multi-color luminescence by adjusting the concentration ratio, which makes it possible to manually control the emission color. On this basis, a series of Bi3+/Eu3+ co-doped phosphors SrLaGa3O7:xBi3+,yEu3+ were prepared. The existence of energy transfer from Bi3+ to Eu3+ was verified by spectral analysis. The emission spectra of SrLaGa3O7:xBi3+ show a wide-band peaking at 472 nm. For SrLaGa3O7:xBi3+,yEu3+, the Bi3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer occurs and a series of sharp emitting peaks of Eu3+ can be observed simultaneously. The relative luminescence intensity of Bi3+ and Eu3+ can be modulated by changing the relative concentrations of Bi3+ and Eu3+. Using this mechanism, the color tunable luminescence of SrLaGa3O7:xBi3+,yEu3+ from cyan, through white to orange, and finally to red is realized. By using a 320 nm UV chip and SLG:0.06Bi3+,0.07Eu3+ white phosphor, a white light-emitting diode (WLED) lamp was fabricated with chromaticity coordinates of (0.3199, 0.3083) and a color rendering index Ra of 82. This indicates that the prepared sample is a very promising candidate in the LED field.

Graphical abstract: Utilizing the energy transfer mechanism to realize color tunable luminescence

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Article information

Article type
22 Apr 2022
14 Jun 2022
First published
14 Jun 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 10432-10440

Utilizing the energy transfer mechanism to realize color tunable luminescence

S. Zhu, D. Zhao, R. Zhang, Y. Fan and W. Liu, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 10432 DOI: 10.1039/D2DT01259F

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