Issue 39, 2022

A series of naphthalenediimide-based metal–organic frameworks: synthesis, photochromism and inkless and erasable printing


Three new three-dimensional metal–organic frameworks were synthesized based on a naphthalenediimide derivative ligand, all of which exhibit photochromic behaviour due to the presence of the naphthalenediimide core. Interestingly, two of them possess significant colour changes under light, excellent stability, and appropriate photochromic lifetimes, thus showing potential for application in inkless and erasable printing media.

Graphical abstract: A series of naphthalenediimide-based metal–organic frameworks: synthesis, photochromism and inkless and erasable printing

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Article information

Article type
14 Jul 2022
15 Sep 2022
First published
16 Sep 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 14852-14857

A series of naphthalenediimide-based metal–organic frameworks: synthesis, photochromism and inkless and erasable printing

X. Zhong, G. Luo, W. Li, X. Chen, Y. Wu, Y. Chen, J. Ye, J. Bai, Z. Mo and X. Chen, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 14852 DOI: 10.1039/D2DT02290G

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