Issue 42, 2022

A 50% increase in the terbium-based OLED luminance through reducing the excited-state lifetime due to the introduction of gold nanoparticles


An increase in the efficiency for a terbium-based OLED was achieved by introducing gold nanoparticles into the PEDOT:PSS hole injection layer and was mainly due to the improvement in carrier injection and the reduction of the excited-state lifetime. The introduction of plasmon-resonant gold nanoparticles resulted in a 50% increase in the Tb(czb)3TDZP luminance, which reached 480 cd m−2 and is the highest result for OLEDs based on aromatic carboxylates.

Graphical abstract: A 50% increase in the terbium-based OLED luminance through reducing the excited-state lifetime due to the introduction of gold nanoparticles

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Article information

Article type
27 Jul 2022
24 Sep 2022
First published
26 Sep 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 16065-16069

A 50% increase in the terbium-based OLED luminance through reducing the excited-state lifetime due to the introduction of gold nanoparticles

A. Yu. Gladkikh, M. I. Kozlov, A. A. Vashchenko, A. V. Medved'ko, A. S. Goloveshkin, A. V. Bolshakova, E. V. Latipov and V. V. Utochnikova, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 16065 DOI: 10.1039/D2DT02446B

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