Issue 5, 2022

NHC–palladium-catalyzed ionic liquid-accelerated regioselective oxyarylation of alkynes with diaryl ethers


The first NHC–palladium-catalyzed regioselective oxyarylation of oxime ether in a task-specific ionic liquid via C(sp3)–O and C(sp2)–O bond cleavage of two different types of ethers for the assembly of structurally diverse 4-arylisoxazoles is described. Both the basic ionic liquid [C3NH2mim]Br and NHC–Pd catalyst IPr–Pd–Im–Cl2 played an important role in this transformation. Notably, this new approach provides a practical and straightforward route to access a broad range of privileged 4-arylisoxazole structures with good yields and excellent regioselectivities. Significantly, this catalytic system can be recycled up to eight times without significant loss of catalytic activity.

Graphical abstract: NHC–palladium-catalyzed ionic liquid-accelerated regioselective oxyarylation of alkynes with diaryl ethers

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Article information

Article type
09 Dec 2021
10 Feb 2022
First published
10 Feb 2022

Green Chem., 2022,24, 1983-1988

NHC–palladium-catalyzed ionic liquid-accelerated regioselective oxyarylation of alkynes with diaryl ethers

J. Li, D. He, Z. Lin, L. Cen, W. Wu and H. Jiang, Green Chem., 2022, 24, 1983 DOI: 10.1039/D1GC04556C

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